“In your darkest place you lied to me, you lied to me. In my darkest place, you lied beneath, you lied beneath.” (Or should it be laid beneath?) The spelling has gone back and forth between Indescretion and Indiscretion. Is it “i” before “e” ?
In your darkest place,
You lied to me, lied to me
In my darkest place,
You lied beneath, you lied beneath
I’ll forgive your indiscretion
I’ll forgive your anything
A slip of the toungue, in the wrong ear
A slip of the knife,
What have you left to fear
I’ll forgive your indiscretion
I’ll forgive your anything
Now put away all your fears
Wipe away your salty tears
Sense of loss is too severe
Guilty pleasures now are here
Memories fade to grey
Born again, A brilliant day
Memories of what we shared,
Don’t look behind you,
No, look to the future
Yeah, Yeah look to the future, Cum on.
I’ll forgive your indiscretion
I’ll forgive your anything